The application contains:
✡ A book of outpouring of the soul.
✡ Sefer Mishvat Nefesh.
By Rabbi Moshe Dzhilibansky the 14th
(Known as Rabbi Alter Tepliker)
According to our Rabbi Nachman of Breslav Zatzokal.
Their right will protect us. Amen.
✡ The complete general correction corrected by our holy Rabbi, R. Nachman of Breslav.
A prayer is also brought for the general amendment, from the Moharan of Breslav ZIA.
And everything:
✡ No advertisements and surveillance in any way, and no need to connect to the network.
Definitions and Clarifications:
Zoom in / out
- You can resize the view by the volume buttons or the device menu.
Screen Mode
- Options for setting the screen rotation.
Remove Score
- We've added this to correct inverted text on devices that do not support scoring.
Straight to the Right
- We've added this to correct left-aligned text on some devices.
Night mode
- White text on a black background, to prevent glare and save battery power.
We marked five stars.
© All winnings are reserved for all the people of Israel.
Gd will soon receive His light.
A mitzvah to copy a photo to duplicate in any media, and a great mitzvah to distribute.